This song might not spring to mind as one of the classics of the soundtrack, but it is a great underrated theme that we’re kind of disappointed only gets to be used for a small chunk of episodes. When you think of the Ginyu Force theme, you no doubt think of the group’s over the top introduction from when they first come to Namek, and how some versions of the show gave them a deliberately silly song like DBZ Kai’s “Ginyu Force Rules.” The Ginyu Force theme we’re referring to is actually a pretty serious piece that plays when the group faces off against the Z Fighters, and Recoome winds up going on to nearly kill all of them singlehandedly. This is Dragon Ball Z: 15 Best Themes From The American Soundtrack.

Let's look back at some of the best pieces that fans still fondly remember. Whichever version you prefer is fine, but many people at least agree Funimation’s spin on DBZ did have a strong soundtrack thanks to Bruce Faulconer’s composition team. Maybe you’ve found other versions of the show that you enjoy better now, like Dragon Ball Z Kai, where the voice acting is more refined, or the Japanese dub that is more true to the manga.
#Dbz soundtrack us artist series
Many of us got into the series through the American dub of Dragon Ball Z, particularly the Funimation dub. Even though a soundtrack might not leap out to you as one of the most important things about a story, you definitely notice it when it’s bad.
#Dbz soundtrack us artist movie
Ever been in a movie theater and someone’s cell phone goes off playing something like “Call Me Maybe” during a really emotional part? It totally ruins the moment and takes you out of the scene. With any show the music has the power to enhance a scene or detract from it.

As much as we all enjoy Dragon Ball Zfor its story, characters, and fights, the power of a soundtrack can’t be understated either.